
Showing posts from July, 2018

5 C's Of DevOps

In my previous blogs, i have provided handful information about DevOps Introduction and its implementation in the industry. Today, i am going to talk about the  5 C's of  DevOps. You must have heard about people talking about Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment , Continuous Monitoring etc. We will talk about all such C's today to provide an elaborative approach to each. Since these are not the "must have" model but yes, it helps you to provide a sophisticated model. It helps you to understand what needs to be done to make your process more lucrative for your software  powered organisation.       Let's discuss about these basic phases of DevOps in detail -: 1. Continuous Integration As the name suggests, it means integrating the work done by multiple developers on a continuous basis. In this, developers check-in their code in a shared repository where each check-in is followed by an automated build that enables the team to detect bugs early.In c