
Azure DevOps

DevOps has paved the way for faster and more agile software development practices by unifying teams, processes and technologies to expedite the software delivery. A range of products are available in  market to facilitate DevOps principles like CI/CD tools, SCM tools, containerisation tools etc. With increased demand to cloud computing , Devops tools have transitioned to Cloud based offerings as well. In this post, we are going to discuss one of such offering by Microsoft called Azure Devops.           Azure DevOps is a platform that supports collaborative culture and provides an integrated set of services that manages your software development lifecycle  starting from planning, developing, testing and deployment. In this post, we will discuss about  Azure Devops and its different functionalities .  Snippet above  provides us valuable insights about different functionalities of Azure DevOps but let's first understand what is Azur...

5 C's Of DevOps

In my previous blogs, i have provided handful information about DevOps Introduction and its implementation in the industry. Today, i am going to talk about the  5 C's of  DevOps. You must have heard about people talking about Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment , Continuous Monitoring etc. We will talk about all such C's today to provide an elaborative approach to each. Since these are not the "must have" model but yes, it helps you to provide a sophisticated model. It helps you to understand what needs to be done to make your process more lucrative for your software  powered organisation.       Let's discuss about these basic phases of DevOps in detail -: 1. Continuous Integration As the name suggests, it means integrating the work done by multiple developers on a continuous basis. In this, developers check-in their code in a shared repository where each check-in is followed by an automated build that enables the team to detect bugs ear...

Lets shape a Safe Nation for Women

“Progress” in English dictionary refers to “ forward movement ”. After almost 70years of Independence, we say that we have made a progress in each field (like medical, engineering, aeronautics etc) as compared to the conditions prevalent 70years ago. But have we really made a change? Are we really ahead? Can we call our self a developed nation now (after 70years of Independence). On this International Women’s day, let’s talk about how much progress we have made so far.                   I agree that conditions are far better than what it was earlier but is it ok to have such conditions where woman is not at all safe to go outside alone. Where she is always worried if clock exceeds 10pm. Is it the case before? The answer is No. Woman were treated as Goddess earlier.   Cases of Eve teasing, rape, sexual harassment were not there. Today, people are living a luxurious life where they can get f...

Implementation of DevOps

I hope my previous blog provides you an insight about what  DevOps  is all about. In this blog, I am going to discuss about its implementation. How this DevOps methodology can be utilized in our day-to-day activities?What are the problems we faced in past that made us to rush towards the solution : DevOps. This snippet helps you to recall quickly how DevOps cycle actually runs. It is more broader than the cycle mentioned over here. When we are scaling up to meet the ever increasing demands of today's business environment, adopting the DevOps methodology is a good strategy. DevOps helps us address the changing needs of our business nimbly with greater control over final quality. Every organisation molds DevOps practices to make it fit for their requirement. Following are the issues encountered in the past that makes the software development life cycle run in a more hassle manner. Below is the diagrammatic representation of Waterfall model that was being used earl...

DevOps - an Introduction

Software Development Lifecycle has changed drastically over the past 10 years. DevOps has taken over the world and as more and more Development and IT teams are working in collaboration with each other, this DevOps culture has reached the top heights of the sky. You must be surprised what is DevOps all about? Every individual in the IT industry is rushing towards DevOps skills but is DevOps all about skills, tools and technologies? The answer is No. DevOps is not only about tools and technologies but it also covers the other wide areas. DevOps – Different people have different perception about what DevOps is all about. If we google about the definition, we will get hundreds of different definitions which ultimately messed up with the understanding of individual. Let’s discuss about its definition in a simple terms – “ DevOps is a culture that is focused to unify the collaboration between Development, QA and Operations team”. In other words, it is actually a practice of ...